Webinar- 9/20/18 - The Iconic Agent

[ FREE Masterclass - Only 100  24 spots left]

How One Iconic Agent Generates $50,000 Additional Commissions for every $5,000 spent selling luxury new construction homes ! Without the headache of Facebook, Instagram , or Shared Leads.

Time: Thursday September 20th at 8PM EST 

Join me Thursday 9/20 at 8pm EST. as I reveal the secrets one Iconic Agent is using to generate a 900% Return on Investment (ROI)  and generate high quality buyer leads without taking time away from his current business. 

This process is so simple yet it's overlooked by 90% of agents today. On this webinar you're going to discover:

  • How to find the best new construction opportunities with the highest commissions
  • How to sell new construction homes with ZERO competition
  • How to generate a steady flow of leads that convert 4X faster than other sources
  • How to qualify leads automatically and siphon out the Hot Buyers automatically
  •  How to compete and BEAT Zillow and Realtor.com at their own game without outspending them

Your host:

Damon Greene,
CEO The Iconic Agent

Copyright 2018, The Iconic Agent.com
